Steam air dryer:

Steam air dryer is the drying equipment used to dry maize starch, potato starch and other starch material processed by wet method after dewatering process. It is also used to dry heat sensitive powder or slice state material with fast speed.

steam air dryer Steam air dryer structure

Steam air dryer working principle:

In the steam air dryer, high-speed hot air stream sustain raw material in the suspending state, then the material is dried through heat exchange. Since air stream speed is very high, and material is suspending in air stream, the heat transfer surface between air and solid is large, heat transfer rate is high, and drying time is short (usually within 2-3 seconds). It is peculiarly suitable for to dry heat sensitive material. Dry starch is discharged though cyclone separator and star shape dust remover. Exhaust air is let out into atmosphere.

steam air dryerSteam air dryer

The main technical parameters of steam air dryer:

Model Power(kw) Evaporation water(kg/h) Labor Starch capacity t/d (Moisture≤40%)
QZWG-5 14 ≥100 2 5t
QZWG-10 23 ≥200 3 10t
QZWG-20 43 ≥400 3 20t
QZWG-30 50 ≥600 4 30t
QZWG-50 75 ≥1000 4 50t
QZWG-100 135 ≥2000 5 100t

Customized capacity of steam air dryer is available.

The application of steam air dryer:

1. Sweet potato starch production line

2. Potato starch production line

3. Cassava starch production line

4. Corn starch production line

5. Wheat starch production line

6. Rice starch production line

contact us

  • Do you want to buy machine?
  • Yes, I want to buy machine
  • No, I Just learning
  • What is your raw material?
  • Cassava
  • Potato
  • Sweet potato
  • Others
  • 2. What is the final product you want to produce?
  • Garri
  • Cassava flour
  • Cassava starch
  • Cassava chips
  • Attiekie
  • Bammy
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale garri machine
  • 1ton per day
  • 2tons per day
  • 3tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • 5tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • 50tons per day
  • 100tons per day
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • 5tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • 50tons per day
  • 100tons per day
  • 200tons per day
  • 300tons per day
  • Others
  • 3.What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • Middle type
  • Large scale
  • What is your capacity plan?
  • Small scale
  • 5tons per day
  • 10tons per day
  • 20tons per day
  • 50tons per day
  • 100tons per day
  • 200tons per day
  • 300tons per day
  • Others






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